Day Dreams with a Polaroid

12, May 2014
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Day Dreams with a Polaroid
Day Dreams with a Polaroid
Date05, May 2014 to 01, Jun 2014
PlaceThe Jam Factory Gallery
Location GuideCharoennakorn rd., Klongsan, Bangkok.
AdmissionFree , (+66)2 861 0950

In today’s massive social medias and a hurriedness of digital life. An instant photo and sharing became common to everyone. Hence there are so many many apps for this reason, no one feel like a “polaroid”. Fallen in love with a polaroid, Ponlawit Petra and Bongkarn Semratt collaborate on trying to capture the feeling and sense of their dreams by the realness technic of a Polaroid in their first duo exhibition, “ฝันลอยรอยด์ : Day Dreams with a Polaroid.”